

Department of Applied Economics應用經濟學系


Development Characteristics發展特色
The Department nurtures students with economic awareness and analytical skills by integrating theory and practice, and instills students with a broad view and interest in society, economics, politics, and management.
The Department offers a wide range of courses in three major areas: Industrial and Management Economics, Regional and Development Economics, and Government and Public Policy Economics. Students are encouraged to gain knowledge in a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects across the University.
The Department offers master degree in economics, and provides students with complete training in economics and management.
To focus on teaching research and practical approaches.
To provide training and skills essential to the needs in the regional development.
To offer basic courses for other academic departments in the University, such the Department of Law, Department of Economic and Financial Law, and Department of Finance, etc.

Postgraduate Opportunities
Advanced Degree Study
Graduates may choose to pursue an advanced degree program in Taiwan or abroad.
Career Opportunities
Graduates may choose to pursue careers in finance and banking, insurance, consulting, information technology, academic research, or government.

Future Outlook
To initiate interdisciplinary cooperation with related departments across the University, such as the Department of Economic and Financial Law, Department of Western Languages and Literature, Institute of Statistics, and Institute of Urban Development and Architecture, and to initiate interdisciplinary cooperation with other universities and colleges in Taiwan and abroad.


  1. 配合國家發展與國際經濟整合趨勢,著重研究方法與實務訓練之教學。
  2. 結合地區整體經濟發展,培養產業界所需之人才。
  3. 因應國內外產業結構變化、金融多樣化、經貿全球化及環境惡化等經濟社會發展趨勢,特別著重產業組織、金融市場、國際貿易、環境資源、人力資源等公司治理及公共經濟政策相關議題探討。
  4. 強化語言能力,必修課採取英文課本為教材,部分課程採取全英文課程。
  5. 鼓勵跨領域及跨系院之學習,與西洋語文學系、東亞語文學系、財經法律學系、土木與環境工程學系所合作有跨院學程,包含人文商管學程、台越交流法商菁英人才培育學程、產業、科技與財經法律學分學程、以及環境經濟與管理企業聯合認證學分學程。
  6. 鼓勵高年級生以及研究生赴企業界實習。


Courses Offered
■ Compulsory Courses
Freshman   Sophomore
► Principles of conomics
► Calculus
► Introductory Civil Law 
► Accounting
  ► Macroeconomics
► Microeconomics
► Statistics

■ Elective Courses
Freshman   Sophomore   Junior   Senior
► Taiwan Economic Issues
► Introduction to Computer Science
► Business Software Packages
    ► Mathematics for Economics 
► Introductory Game Theory
► Management
► Introductory Business
► Selected Readings of Economic Classics
Contemporary Economic Issues, Secondary Foreign Language
► Industrial Economics
► Business Economics
► Industrial Organization
► Human Resource Economics
► Information Economics
► China Economics
► Growth Economics
► Development Economics
► Regional Economics
► Regional Economic Integration
► Foreign Exchange
► Public Finance
► Urban Economics
► Family Economics Master
► Introductory Civil Law 
► Statistics
► Accounting
► Introductory Business
► Selected Readings of Economic Classics
► Health Economics
► Leisure Economics
► Institutional Economics
► Environmental Economics
► Environmental Ethics
► Economic Sociology
► Game Theory and Applications
► Mathematical Economics
► Advanced Statistics
► Econometrics
► Time Series Analysis
► Topics of Microeconomic Theory
► Topics of Macroeconomic Theory
■ Remarks: Minimum number of credits for graduation: 132 (Undergraduate); 36 (Graduate)