

Procedure of signing agreement with NUK

1. Evaluation of Agreement

   Contracting party shall be chosen and approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE), R.O.C. The party shall recognize the need for and mutual benefit in academic exchange to promote educational collaboration between institutes.


2. In an agreement between NUK and foreign schools, the following places shall be responsible for the agreement:

   △ For a contract on the departmental level, responsibility shall be held by the related department.

   △  For a contract on the college level, responsibility shall be held by the related college.

   △  For a contract on the institutional level, responsibility shall be held by the Department of International Affairs (DIA).


3. An academic cooperation agreement serves both education and academic research. The agreement is expected to uphold the following principles:

   △ Both institutes shall recognize the necessity of the agreement and mutual benefit.

   △ The other party shall possess equivalent academic status and benefit the development of NUK.

   △ Educational collaboration must have a person or party on both sides to implement the agreement. Implementing an initiative resulting from this agreement may be negotiated through e-mail, fax, phone, and meetings.

   △ The content of the academic cooperation agreement shall be specific and feasible. The content shall include at least a contract title, contract start and end dates, parties and/or persons involved in the agreement, and the date of signature.        This agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the two institutes.

   △ Representatives signing the agreement must be of equal status within their respective departments. For example, a contract at the institutional level must be signed by the university president. A contract at the college level must be signed        by the dean of the college. A contract at the departmental  level must be signed the department chair.


4. Application procedure

  △ Contract between institutes

     Responsibility for the contract shall be held by the DIA or whoever proposes the project.

  △ Contract between colleges

     Responsibility for the contract shall be held by the colleges involved and the DIA. The agreement must also receive approval from the college affairs council. The agreement becomes effective upon the date signed

     by the responsible parties.

  △ Contract between departments

    Responsibility for the contract shall be held by the departments involved and the DIA. The agreement must also receive approval from the college affairs council. The agreement becomes effective upon the date signed

     by the responsible    parties.


5. Any content relating to academic cooperation shall be countersigned by its related authority. The following shall be countersigned and approved by the related administrative offices and the President of NUK:

   △ Degree conferral, credit transfer, cooperative dual degree programs and tuition fees are dealt with by the Division of International Affairs.

   △ Accommodation and extracurricular activities are dealt with by the Division of Students Affairs.

   △ Housing arrangement for faculty is dealt with by the Division of General Affairs.

   △ Scholarships or any other funds given are dealt with by the Accounting department.

   △ Appointment of the faculty, researchers, and exchange teachers is dealt with by the Personnel Office


6. Important items regarding formation of agreements with mainland China

   △ Please first review the attachment below.

   △ An official document is necessary while drawing up the agreement. The agreement may be signed only after a mandatory inspection by the MOE.

   △ While creating the agreement, it is important to use discretion regarding the political status of Taiwan and for the two parties to interact as “equals.”  

       The written agreement must be faxed to the Mainland Affairs Division of the MOE upon signing. 

   △ At this time, we do not recognize academic qualifications from mainland Chinese institutes of higher education. Neither academic credit nor a degree shall be involved in the agreement. 

7. Signature of the agreement

   This agreement shall be signed after the completion of the application procedure. 


8. Storage of records

   The members responsible for the agreement shall save the original document and send a copy to the DIA for future reference. Afterwards, the DIA must be notified if the contract is suspended, terminated, or altered in any way.  

Agreement Templates:

Points of Attention for signing academic cooperation agreements

MOU between (NUK&)

Agreement for Faculty Exchange between NUK & Univ.


Points of Attention for signing academic cooperation agreements with overseas academic research institutions Form
