

How To Apply


NUK welcomes students who are currently enrolled at a university with which NUK has a valid student exchange agreement (please refer to NUK's Partner Universities) and are officially nominated by their home university.

Who Can Apply


- Applicants can apply for the exchange student program according to the requirements of their home university. Please contact the International Office of your home university for application details.

- Nomination form should be submitted via your university’s International Office. Please do not send your applications directly to NUK.

Application Deadlines

For Fall Semester (September) nomination:May 12, Online application: May 22

For Spring Semester (February) nomination:Nov. 1, Online application: Nov. 11

On-Line Application

To apply for entering international exchange program:

Step 1

1) Students must be nominated by home university before the nomination deadline.
2) Application as an exchange student is only open to students whose home universities are partner universities of NUK and who have been nominated by their home university for an exchange semester here.

2. Online Application
1) After nomination, Nominated students should apply online before online application deadline.
2)We only accept the application online, no hard copy is needed. 

*NUK Departments and Colleges: https://www.nuk.edu.tw/p/412-1000-221.php?Lang=zh-tw


3. Online Application requirements

1) upload 3.5 × 4.5 cm color photographs (the picture type should be jpg.)

2) Study plan -A brief essay describing your reasons and plans for studying at NUK

3) Transcript of university academic record(file type should be pdf.)

4) Application for Chinese Language Program (optional, for foreign exchange students)

5) Certificate of current enrollment or graduation certificate from your university

Step 2 : This step should be completed after you're officially accepted as NUK's incoming exchange students. Once exchange students receive NUK's certificate of admission and admission package, they will need to fill in the dormitory and flights service documents before coming to NUK.

Insurance Policy for International Exchange Students

As international exchange students at NUK, they are required to buy accident and medical insurance, which covers the entire exchange program period. They also have to fill out the Declaration of Insurance for International Student whether they purchase the insurance in their country or in Taiwan. If they do not buy it in their country, they have to buy it upon registration at OIA to ensure sufficient insurance coverage and their rights during their stay at NUK.

*If the students purchase the insurance in their country, please provide a proof of valid insurance which covers the whole exchange period, and then email the document to shanchi@nuk.edu.tw before arrival at NUK.


International exchange students who are studying in Taiwan for less than six months cannot join Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI). Only if you are going to study here for more than six months, you could enrol in NHI upon living in Taiwan for 6 months. (6 months of continuous residence in Taiwan or with one trip abroad not exceeding 30 days when the actual residency period of 6 months is reached after the days abroad have been deducted).
Before they meet the requirement of the actual residency for 6 months, they have to buy the accident and medical insurance in their own country or in Taiwan.

1.For semester only students ( course less than six months)

Students studying at the National University of Kaohsiung for less than 6 months have to buy the medical and accident insurance in their own country or they have to buy the insurance in Taiwan. Our school offers an option of participating in Cathay Life Medical Insurance (CLMI). The Cathay Life Medical Insurance Premium are calculated on a semester basis. Therefore, they have to pay NT$2,500 for 5 months or $ 3,000 for 6 months (NT$500 per month * Prices are subject to adjustment by Cathay Life from time to time as hereinafter provided.)

The cost of CLMI is included in the tuition fee for each semester. After students have paid the tuition, the Cathay Life Insurance company will issue payment forms to the university to pay the insurance fee on behalf of the students.

2.For year-long students ( course longer than six months)

1)Before the actual residency for less than six months:
For year-long students, before they have lived in Taiwan for over 6 months, they have to buy the accident and medical insurance. They have two options: one is to buy the insurance in their country and the other is to buy it in Taiwan. They could choose to buy the Cathay Life Medical Insurance (CLMI) mentioned the above.

2)After the actual residency for 6 months
Background and Regulations:
The National Health Insurance program is a compulsory social insurance program. Based on law, any foreigner who has lived in Taiwan for over six months is obligated to participate in the NHI system. Students could calculate if they are qualified to enrol in NHI by the issue date of their Alien Resident Certificates. When they have certainly lived in Taiwan for 6 consecutive months, they could enrol in NHI.  However, they could not have one-trip abroad with exceeding 30 days.
3)Costs and Payments:
The cost is NT$ 826 each month, which means a total of NT$4,956 (NT$826x6) for each of the two semesters in a year. The amount of NT$4,956 will be paid for the second semester.
You will receive an NHI card after joining the program.
4)Convenient NHI services:

This insurance covers most medical expenses in Taiwan unless certain registration fee, co-payment or special medical expenses will be charged.
The coverage will be cancelled if the ARC has expired or if the visa has changed. Please inform OIA.
Understanding The Insurance Claim Process (Only for the students buy CLMI)

Submit the relevant supporting docs to OIA including claim form, medical receipts and invoices, medical certificate or medical record correlation data, and your passport copy.

Receiving those docs, we contact the insurance company and give the staff in charge of claim within a couple of days. Please wait for your claim accepted.

The insurer or broker contact you and you could get the money you deserve.

The insurance coverage is NT$1000 per day spent in clinic or hospital.

* If you still have any further questions, please come to OIA and ask the staff for help. We will assist you to make your claim.

 Coverage Policy:

Insurance covers accidents or sickness occurring within Taiwan ONLY. Accidents or sickness requiring specialized medical care or occurring before the insurance policy was taken out will not be covered.

 1. Outpatient/Emergency treatment benefit:

While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives (emergency) treatment at a hospital/ clinic as an outpatient, the company will reimburse partly medical expenses incurred. However, the payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of NT$1000 (per visit).

2. Daily Hospital miscellaneous benefit:

While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will reimburse the following expenses incurred.

(1)Balance billing for hospital room services

(2)Foods, except for nutrients provided through tube feeding.

(3)Nursing care fee excluding in several special situations

However, the claim payment will not exceed the limit of NT$1000 (per day).
Length of hospital stays shall not be longer than 365 days once.

3.Hospitalization benefit:

While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will reimburse the following expenses incurred.

(1)Physician instructions medication.

(2)Blood, except for blood transfusions deemed necessary by a doctor providing emergency care

(3)Registration fee and cost of obtaining related certificates

(4)Ambulance fee (from or between hospitals).

* The claim payment shall not exceed the limit of NT$60,000 (per hospitalization).

Chinese Language Program

We offer Chinese language courses for exchange students who are interested in learning Chinese Language or eager to improve their Chinese while studying in NUK  through Student Exchange Program. The cost for taking the course will be 100% paid by NUK. It is an additional language course (not regular classes which offers credits) that we arranged for exchange students. Students will be issued a certificate indicating hours they had spent for studying Chinese and final grades for classes. (For inquiries about detailed information of the course, please contact CLC directly.)

For detailed application information, please fill in Chinese Language Courses For Exchange Students.

Contact Information

Coordinator of Academic Exchanges 

Inbound/ Outbound Exchange Program:

Ms. Vicky Wu
TEL:+886-7-5919367/ E-mail: shanchi@nuk.edu.tw &  dia@nuk.edu.tw
FAX of Office of International Affairs: +886-7-5916665
