




 重要訊息 News 


NUK's 2024 Fall Admission Roster of International Degree Students-Early 113學年度秋季班外籍生錄取名冊第一梯

*錄取生須於期限內簽名回覆 Must Download & Reply BEFORE Apr. 24, 2024:NUK入學意願確認書Confirmation form for intention of enrollment



(下載及填寫簽名 113單招身份及學歷資格聲明書、依身份別:113單招香港或澳門居民報名資格確認書僑生-華裔身份初審檢核表 )

*注意:線上填寫個人基本資料,申請人父親籍貫必填父母親姓名欄請提供中&英文。出生地與僑居地不同者,請務必填寫移居僑居地年份,資料不齊將予以退件。4/18~5/8開放線上申請! (僑生申請系統路徑 )

2024.01.29 Expired





2024外籍生秋季入學簡章Prospectus for Foreign Students

*線上申請前請務必下載及詳閱簡章說明 (各系所授課語言見P.8-10 /中英文語言能力規定見P.15P.19-21); 須簽名上傳Must sign and upload: Declaration for Int'l Applicants Undertaking Studies in Taiwan外國學生身份資格確認書 

Please download and read carefully before apply. (See Medium of instruction in P.8-10./ See Language proficiency requirement in P.15 & P.19-21.) 4/18~5/8開放線上申請-一般梯次Application Opens-Regular Action! (外籍生申請系統路徑Link to the application system: )


2024秋季班(9月入學)-線上申請及簡章公告Application periods and announced dates of prospectus for 2024 Fall Admission :

一般外籍生入學Regular Admision for Foreign studentsFeb. 15~Mar. 4早鳥Early/ Apr. 18~May 8一般Regular (招生簡章:2024.01.24公告)

-申請非全英授課系所必須繳交TOCFL A2以上中文證書 TOCFL  A2 is required to apply for non-fully English-taught program   (請見簡章Check p.16 of the prospectus)

1+4國際專修部International Foundation Program( 8 bachelor programs)May 27~June 16 (招生簡章:2024.05.07公告)

-申請沒有中文能力門檻No Chinese language proficiency requirement. (請見簡章Check p.3 of the prospectus)

*注意:請依各別不同的入學方案,於申請期間登入系統並點送申請,非1+4 IFP開放期間,請勿提前送件。

*Please register and submit your application case during the online application period accordingly. We don't accept 1+4 IFP application case during regular admission period for foreign students.

2023.12.19 Expired

國立高雄大學112學年度春季班1+4國際專修部錄取名冊2024 Spring Admission Roster of 1+4 IFP 

*注意事項: 所有正取生須填妥本校入學意願確認書並親筆簽名後掃描成電子檔或拍照,於 2023年12月24日 前回覆入學意願書寄至 
*Note: Please reply your intention of enrollment with our confirmation form. Please fill it out, and email the scanned or photographed form to BEFORE Dec. 24th, 2023

**附件 Attachment NUK入學意願確認書中英版Confirmation form for intention of enrollment-外籍生-國際專修部.pdf

2023.12.19 Expired

NUK's 2024 Spring Admission Roster of International Degree Students112學年度春季班外籍生錄取名冊

*錄取生須於期限內簽名回覆 Must Download & Reply BEFORE Dec. 27, 2023:NUK入學意願確認書Confirmation form for intention of enrollment

2023.09.25 Expired

2024外籍生春季入學簡章Prospectus for Foreign Students (2024.2入學Spring Intate Admission)

(下載及填寫簽名 Declaration for Int'l Applicants Undertaking Studies in Taiwan外國學生身份資格確認書 )

*線上申請前請務必下載及詳閱簡章說明 (各系所授課語言見P.8-11 /中英文語言能力規定見P.16P.20-22) Please download and read carefully before apply. (See Medium of instruction in P.8~11./ See Language proficiency requirement in P.16 & P.20~22.) 10/16~11/6開放線上申請!

2023.09.25 Expired

113學年度僑生單獨招生簡章 (2024.9入學)-第一梯

(下載及填寫簽名 113單招身份及學歷資格聲明書、依身份別:113單招香港或澳門居民報名資格確認書華裔身分等初審檢核表-僑生 )


2023.09.18 Expired

2024年國際專修部招生簡章 Prospectus 2024 for International Foundation Program (Overseas students)

*線上申請前請務必下載及詳閱簡章說明 Please download and read carefully before apply.

*春季入學 (2月) Spring Semester (11/9~11/22開放線上申請!)

*另外請注意國際專修部入學後華語檢定通過標準及打工相關規定 Students are required to pass TOCFL A2 level in the first academic year and TOCFL B1 level during the second academic year. Besides, An international student must apply for a work permit if he/she wants to work in Taiwan. 國際專修部入學具結書 Affidavit for International Foundation Program

*僑生請填寫 華裔身分等初審檢核表-中文版


A Brand New Admission Program! 1年華語先修+4年大學系所課程 (1 year Chinese Learning + 4 years Bachelor Program)

NUK's International Foundation Program (中英版CH EN Flyer)

國立高雄大學1+4國際專修部招生:春季班:11月/秋季班:6月! Online application Period: Spring Admission/Fall AdmissionNovember/June

招收系所:運健休Kinesiology, Health and Leisure Studies/建築Architechure(1+5)/資管Information Management/生科Life Science/應物Applied Physics/電機Electrical Engineering/化材Chemical and Materials Engineering/土環Civil and Enrironmental Engineering

Click and download our Flyer NOW! (日文版Japanese Flyer越文版Vietnamese Flyer英文版English Flyer)

申請入學及簽證免中文TOCFL! No Chinese Language Requirement for admission and visa application!


Bachelor/Master Program Scholarships from our departments 系所獎助學金:

1. 東語系提供「2024年韓語研究所外籍生獎學金Master scholarships for Korean Studies」 

2. 資訊管理學系大學部及研究所學生獎學金 Assistantships of Information Management Degree students (入學後取得在校成績,方符合獎助學金申請資格。Students enrolled in the Dept. with the grades of the first semester are eligible to apply.) 

3. IMBA, a FULL ENGLISH-TAUGHT Master Program, offers Assistantships to recruit outstanding international students. 國際商業管理碩士學位學程(No longer receive new applicants after fall 2024. 2024.9起停招)

2023.08.02 Expired

國立高雄大學112學年度僑生及港澳生單獨招生學士班錄取名冊 (第2梯次)


2023.08.02 Expired

國立高雄大學112學年度秋季班 國際專修部 錄取名冊 Fall Semester 2023 Admission Result of INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM.pdf

*注意事項: 所有正取生須填妥本校入學意願確認書並親筆簽名後掃描成電子檔或拍照,於 2023年8月6日 前回覆入學意願書寄至 
*Note: Please reply your intention of enrollment with our confirmation form. Please fill it out, and email the scanned or photographed form to BEFORE August 6th, 2023

**附件 Attachment NUK國際專修部-入學意願確認書中英版Confirmation form for intention of enrollment.pdf

2023.07.17 Expired


The announcement of the admission result for "2023 fall admission 1+4 International Foundation Program" will be postponed to Aug. 2nd, 2023 since the eligibility of the applicant is required to be evaluated by OCAC Taiwan R.O.C.. 

2023.06.16 Expired

NUK'S 2023 Fall Admission Roster of International Degree Student- Regular 112學年度秋季班外籍生錄取名冊第2梯

錄取生須於期限內簽名回覆 Must Download & Reply BEFORE June. 26, 2023:NUK入學意願確認書中英版Confirmation form for intention of enrollment


國立高雄大學112學年度行事曆 NUK Calendar 2023-2024




歡迎至以下國際招生推廣組臉書參考高雄大學2020~2023年各場線上招生直播活動影片(包含英泰日越印尼土耳其語)。For watching the videos of NUK's virtual seminars 2020-2023 regarding admission information (Language: Turkish/Japanese/English/Thai/Indonesian/Chinese/Vietnamese), welcome to check from our coordinator's FB.(Link: )




NUK handles the recruitment of international students without commissioning any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters except publicity and promotion, and to assist students coming to Taiwan undertake the necessary related procedures.


****** Contact Us: dia@nuk, / Office of International Affairs, National University of Kaohsiung 國立高雄大學國際事務處 ******