
Department of Government and Law M


Development Characteristics
The Department of Government and Law was established in 2000 to support the national political development and to nurture students into experts in the field of politics and law. The Department is the first academic institution integrating “politics” and “law” by incorporating the concept “State” into the curriculum in this country, and provides the Undergraduate Program, the 2-year Bachelor Program, and the Master Degree Program for potential students. The in-service Master Degree Program will be set up in 2009. The teaching and research in the “politics” area focus on the government organizations and policies; the focus of the “law” area is on administrative law and constitutional law.

Combining both traditional disciplines of law and politics, the Department endeavors to train “legal-minded political leaders” and “political-minded legal leaders” as a long-term objective. The faculty and staff are devoted to:
► Offer an interdisciplinary courses integrating theories and practices in politics and law
► Educate students with independent, critical thinking, as well as global vision
► Train students with organizational and analytical knowledge, skills, and abilities
► Develop a free, participative, and open academic environment

Postgraduate Opportunities
Advanced Degree Study
Our graduates can purse advanced study in the field of politics and law abroad or at home, and have had good performance in domestic graduate program examinations.
Career Opportunities
Many opportunities are waiting for our graduates. Our graduates can serve in public sectors as administrative, legal or legislative assistants, work for private corporations and institutions, or pursue graduate degrees.
Public Sector: Our graduates have the qualification to take national examinations for public officers, such as Special Examination for Judicial Personnel and lawyers, Civil Service Senior, Junior, and Elementary Examinations. They also can serve as legislative assistants in the Congress or local government councils.
Private Sector: Our graduates can serve as legal assistant, administrative staff , etc.
NGO: Our graduates also have the qualification to apply the jobs of the non-profit organization serving as program manager, coordinator, legal assistant, etc.

Future Outlook
The Department will continue inviting distinguished scholars and professors as well as political and legal experts for lectures and seminars.
The Department will enhance research of the political and legal areas to improve academic quality.
The Department encourages international academic exchanges, including sponsoring visiting professors from abroad, students studying abroad, and hosting international conferences and seminars.

Courses Offered
The curriculum design emphasizes on interdisciplinary coursework in law and politics:
Nation and Government: Politics, Public Organization Management, Public Administration, Public Personnel Management, etc.

Public LawConstitutional law, Administrative Law, Administrative Procedural Law, Law of Administrative Litigation, etc.
Fundamental Legal Courses: Civil and Criminal Law, Law of Civil Procedure, Law of Criminal Procedure, etc., to prepare students for judicial or government work.
Political and Legal Thought: History of Western Political Thought, History of Chinese Political Thought, Contemporary Legal Philosophy, Contemporary Political Philosophy, etc.
Domestic Democratic Development:Local Government and Politics, Comparative Politics, etc.

■ Compulsory Courses
Seminar on Public Policy
Seminar on theories of State
Seminar on Legal Policy
Constitutional law Seminar
Seminar on Human Rights
Administrative law Seminar
Case Study on International Law and International Institutions
■ Remarks: Minimum number of credits for graduation: 24 (Graduate)